About Allied
HVAC Age / Serial Decoder
Version 1
The first two characters of the serial number are ignored. The second two are the year (08 = 2008), and the first letter is the month of manufacture (E = May)
This is the current known serial number format.
2 | 1 | 0 | 8 | E | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Year is Green, Month is Yellow.
How to translate Character to Month
A | January |
B | February |
C | March |
D | April |
E | May |
F | June |
G | July |
H | August |
J | September |
K | October |
L | November |
M | December |
Version 2
Focus on the final three characters of the serial number. The first character is the Month (E = May), the second character is the year (F = 1985). Ignore the final character.
This is a legacy serial number format (1978 - 1992).
C | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | E | F | C |
Year is Green.
How to translate Character to Month
A | January |
B | February |
C | March |
D | April |
E | May |
F | June |
G | July |
H | August |
J | September |
K | October |
L | November |
M | December |
How to translate Character to Year
8 | 1978 |
9 | 1979 |
A | 1980 |
B | 1981 |
C | 1982 |
D | 1983 |
E | 1984 |
F | 1985 |
G | 1986 |
H | 1987 |
J | 1988 |
K | 1989 |
L | 1990 |
M | 1991 |
N | 1992 |
Version 3
The first two digits of the serial number are the production day (10th day), the third character is the month (E = May), and the fourth and fifth characters are the year of production (presented in reverse, so 27 = 72 for 1972).
This is a legacy serial number format.
1 | 0 | E | 2 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Year is Green, Month is Yellow, Day is Blue.
How to translate Character to Month
A | January |
B | February |
C | March |
D | April |
E | May |
F | June |
G | July |
H | August |
J | September |
K | October |
L | November |
M | December |
Version 4
The final four characters are the focus. The first two digits are the year (23 = 2023), the second two digits are the week (45 = 45th Week).
This is a legacy serial number format.
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Year is Green, Week is Light Blue.
Contact Information for Allied
Email Addresses
No email addresses on file.
Allied Air Enterprises215 Metropolitan Drive
West Columbia, South Carolina 29170
United States