About Bryant

Charles Bryant saw amazing technological achievements in the world around him. The flight of the first motorized airplane, the invention of plastic and the first radio broadcasts. In the world of heating, his achievements were just as extraordinary. Although Charles Bryant never had any children, his legacy lives on in our company.

It is with the same spirit we have continued to transform home comfort with advancements such as the first 90-percent-efficient gas furnaces in 1981, the introduction of Puron®, the first environmentally sound refrigerant in 1996, the industry’s first packaged products in 2000 and Captures & Kills® air filtration technology in 2015.

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HVAC Age / Serial Decoder

Variant #1

The first two digits of the serial number are the week (10). The second two digits are the year (14 = 2014).

This is the current known serial number format.
Example Serial Number
1 0 1 4 E 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in the 10th week of of 2014.

Year is Green, Week is Light Blue.

Variant #2

The first two digits of the serial number are the year (83 = 1983), and the following two digits are the month (08 = August).

This is a legacy serial number format (1980's).
Example Serial Number
8 3 0 8 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in August of 1983.

Year is Green, Month is Yellow.

Variant #3

US Customers: The first two digits of the serial number are the year (2 = 1982), and the following two digits are the month (R = May).
Canadian Customers: The first two digits of the serial number are the month (R = May), and the following two digits are the year (2 = 1982).

US Products: This is a legacy serial number format (1980-1984).
Example Serial Number
R 2 D 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in May of 1982.

Year is Green, Month is Yellow.

Canadian Products: This is a legacy serial number format (1980-1984).
Example Serial Number
2 R D 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in May of 1982.

Year is Green, Month is Yellow.

How to translate Character to Month
M January
N February
P March
Q April
R May
S June
T July
V August
W September
X October
Y November
Z December
How to translate Character to Year
0 1980
1 1981
2 1982
3 1983
4 1984

Variant #4

The first character of the serial number represents the month (E = May), the second character represents the year (3 = 1973).

This is a legacy serial number format (1970-1979).
Example Serial Number
E 3 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in May of 1973.

Year is Green, Month is Yellow.

How to translate Character to Month
A January
B February
C March
D April
E May
F June
G July
H August
I September
J October
K November
L December
How to translate Character to Year
0 1970
1 1971
2 1972
3 1973
4 1974
5 1975
6 1976
7 1977
8 1978
9 1979

Variant #5

The first one or two digits in the serial number is the week of production (12 = 12th Week). The first letter (E = 1976) is the year of production.

This is a legacy serial number format (1960-1979).
Example Serial Number
1 2 E 1 2 3 4 5
This would read as being manufactured in 12th Week of of 1976.

Year is Green, Week is Light Blue.

How to translate Character to Year
L 1960
M 1961
N 1962
P 1963
R 1964
S 1965
T 1966
U 1967
V 1968
W 1969
X 1970
Y 1971
A 1972
B 1973
C 1974
D 1975
E 1976
F 1977
G 1978
H 1979
Contact Information for Bryant
Phone Numbers

Customer Service
(800) 428-4326
Hours: M-F, 8am to 5pm EST

Email Addresses

No email addresses on file.

Bryant Heating & Cooling
13995 Pasteur Boulevard
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
United States
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